motorcycle 101 guides

15 Annoying Things Motorcyclists Should Stop Doing

15 Annoying Things Motorcyclists Should Stop Doing

1. Introduction

According to a survey by the World Health Organization (WHO), around 1.3 million people die of road accidents every year. Over the last 10 years, the death percentage has increased by 20% and the motorcycle fatality rate has risen to 31.64 per 100 million vehicle miles. These road accidents are due to common mistakes and annoying habits done by motorcycle riders.

This article discusses common mistakes and annoying habits motorcyclists do that often cause accidents.

2. Speeding

The most common cause of road accidents is overspeeding. Most riders prefer riding their motorcycles fast. According to a survey by J&Y Law Firm, most accidents that occur are due to inexperienced motorcycle riders riding too fast. Speeding is not only dangerous for the rider, but also for other drivers sharing the road. If a rider is speeding down the road and crosses paths with another motorcycle or car, the collision could be fatal.

3. Attitude

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Some newer riders or sports motorcyclists have attitude problems. They tease other riders for no reason, show off their motorcycles, or try to race another vehicle.

4. Overconfidence

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Another annoying habit many riders have is that they can be overconfident about their ridings skill or motorcycles’ speed. This overconfidence makes them act illogically, riding dangerously just to get attention. Overconfidence is dangerous for riders and other drivers because it can make riders act carelessly, such as forgetting to check their blind spots while riding. No matter how much skill or experience a rider has, there is always room for improvement.

5. Them vs. Us

Them vs. Us
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If egotistical riders see other vehicles going faster than their motorcycles, they interpret this as a challenge and try to race them. Even if the driver of the other vehicle has not noticed or acknowledged them, riders may still try to overtake them. On public roads, this competitive nature benefits no one and may cause motorcyclists to ride recklessly just to stay ahead of their “competition.”

6. Extra Weight

Extra Weight
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Sometimes riders forget that motorcycles cannot carry as much weight as larger vehicles. Many people try to fit as much luggage as possible on their motorcycles. But the extra weight can make motorcycles difficult to handle, especially while turning. Extra weight on your motorcycle does not allow you to lean safely while turning as the uneven shift in weight can cause your motorcycle to fall onto its side.

7. Riding Without Safety Gear

Wearing safety gear should be a priority for all riders. Yet many riders do not wear proper riding gear just to look cool while riding a motorcycle. They op for wearing shorts and sandals instead of a helmet, jacket, etc. But shorts and sandals offer little to no protection during an accident.

8. Using Only One Brake

Using Only One Brake
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A common mistake many riders make is applying one brake even if the motorcycle does not have ABS. Suddenly applying the front brake can cause the back of the motorcycle to jump and the rider to fall toward his/her face. Similarly, applying the back brake can cause the motorcycle to slip. This incident often happens while turning, when the riders suddenly apply the brakes, causing the motorcycle to slip and the rider to become injured.

9. Forget to Turn On/Off Indicators

Many riders do not use their turn signals while changing lanes or turning, resulting in collisions with other vehicles behind or beside the riders. If the other drivers close to the riders do not have time to react when the rider moves without using indicators, the likelihood of an accident increases.

10. The Kickstand

The Kickstand
Photo Credit: @wikihow

Many riders forget to put away the kickstand. A kickstand left sticking out can be dangerous when turning as the kickstand could collide with the road, making it difficult to turn tight corners or cause the motorcycle to slip.

11. Sneaking Through Traffic

Sneaking Through Traffic
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Many overconfident riders are impatient and try to bypass traffic by squeezing through the tiny space between larger vehicles. This practice can be unsafe since other drivers might not be able to see motorcycles coming and might accidentally turn into them.

12. Burnout

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Burnout is when a motorcyclist turns the throttle while the motorcycle is stationary, causing the rear wheel to spin in place and emit a plume of smoke. This creates a loud screeching sound due to the rubber tire scraping against the road at high speed. Also, burnout reduces the life of the tire’s lifespan, burning off the rubber and emitting dark smoke that increases air pollution.

13. Wearing Sunglasses at Night

Wearing Sunglasses at Night
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Many riders wear sunglasses at night to try and look cool. But wearing sunglasses at night hinders vision due to the shaded lenses making low visibility at night even worse.

14. Using Horns Unnecessarily

There is nothing more annoying than someone behind or beside you constantly honking the horn unnecessarily. Horns are built to warn other riders when they are about to hit another vehicle or any other incoming danger. But irresponsible riders use the horn as if it were a squeezing toy.

15. Driving on Pedestrian Pathways

Pedestrian pathways are for walking only. By riding on pedestrian pathways, you are potentially endangering people walking along the sides of the street. There is more risk of injury to pedestrians than motorcyclists, especially the elderly and children.

16. Stunting on the Road

Stunting on the Road
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Many riders try to look cool and get attention by performing stunts on the road. Public roads are usually dense with traffic, meaning there is a high probability that riders doing stunts will get into an accident. While some motorcycle companies manufacture motorcycles ideal for STUNTING, they are not recommended for travel on public roads.

17. Conclusion

A sensible motorcyclist will never speed, perform stunts on the road, etc. A responsible rider will always ride safely in accordance with the law.

An experienced motorcyclist attaches extra ACCESSORIES to ensure a PLEASANT AND COMFORTABLE riding experience. Such accessories include SADDLEBAGS, CRASH BARS, HANDLEBARS, LUGGAGE RACKS, FAIRINGS, etc.

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