Biker Patches

Biker Patches Rules & Etiquette You Need to Know

Biker Patches Rules & Etiquette You Need to Know

The world of motorcycling is vast and diverse. There was a time when motorcycles were only used as a mode of transportation, but those days are long gone. Today, motorcycling has become a culture with its own society, norms, dress code, and way of life.

The motorcycle culture has made a global impact, especially in the U.S.  The elements of American biker culture include stylish motorcycles, motorcycle rallies, motorcycle clubs, and distinctive motorcycle patches. Out of these three elements of biker culture, the biker patches seem like mere decoration, but in reality, they make the most impact.

Worn on leather jackets, vests, or cuts, biker patches indicate motorcycle club memberships and often have deeper or secret meanings.

The striking colors and bold imagery of the biker patches attract a large audience of cruiser-enthusiasts who wish to join and look cool.

Consequently, riders quickly surf the online stores, buy an mc biker patch, and attach the patches to their jackets or vest without knowing there are rules involved.

If you too want to be the coolest biker in your neighborhood, first find out what are the rules for wearing biker patches.

1. Do’s & Don’ts of Wearing Biker Patches

Before we start the list, it is important to mention that the aim of this article is not to discourage you from wearing biker patches. We know that motorcycling is not just an activity but a lifestyle, and motorcyclists are just as passionate about motorcycle jacket patches as they are about motorcycles. However, it is dangerous territory and should be explored with caution. So take these rules in stride, follow them, and see what you can create from the available options.

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2. Rules for Wearing Outlaw MC Biker Patches

There are many illegal motorcycle clubs in America. The terms 1%ers, outlaw MC, outlaw MG, or OMG are terms widely used for these gangs. The outlaw motorcycle clubs take pride in their criminal activities and unique motorcycle patches. Each motorcycle club has a different set of rules. While members need to be well-versed with all of those rules, non-members only need to follow one:

  • Do not wear an outlaw motorcycle club patch.

Never wear the logo, colors, or similar imagery of a gang you don’t belong to. This will protect you from the ire of criminals, help you avoid unnecessary conflicts, and prevent any unfortunate interactions with the police. Some riders put stickers inspired by the MC patch logo on hard saddlebags, fuel tank sides, or fairings. This is even riskier because club insignia is meant to be worn on cuts or leather jackets. Puting it on motorcycle parts is considered disrespectful.

2.1 Wearing Outlaw MC Patches After Quitting the Gang

Motorcycle gangs are extremely particular about who can wear their mc biker patches. Sometimes members quit a gang due to a disagreement or conflict. In that scenario, you are no longer eligible to wear the biker patch. If you are removed from the motorcycle gang, chances are the club itself will strip the patch from your jacket. If for some reason they do not do this, then don’t consider this an excuse to wear the patch.

Remember, biker patches of a motorcycle club are earned. You need to serve your club to be able to wear that patch. Since you are no longer benefitting the club, you cannot wear their patch.

2.2 Customizing Outlaw MC Patch

Members of outlaw motorcycle gangs are rebels. When the club takes away their rank, membership, and patch, they feel humiliated. Out of spite and rebellion, former members may customize the club’s patch. This may soothe their ego for some time but can have dire consequences.

2.3 One- Piece Motorcycle Patch

A one-piece patch can be stitched onto a leather jacket or a vest. It reflects that a motorcyclist has pledged himself to a motorcycle club. These biker patches have codes or a distinct piece of information about the club that signifies that a member has joined.

For example, the name or initials of the motorcycle club, emblem, or the town where the club is situated. Outlaw motorcycle groups or those affiliated with the American Motorcycle Association have strict rules about their one-piece motorcycle patches. You should not risk breaking them by replicating their patches.

2.4 Two-Piece Motorcycle Patch

A two-piece biker patch indicates that a biker is expecting to rise in the ranks. In other words, the two-piece motorcycle patch reflects the transition stage of a rider. Once approved, the biker will become a full member of the club and wear a three-piece patch. Otherwise, he will continue to wear the two-piece patch.

Wearing a two-piece biker patch if you are not a member is not allowed as it may come across that you are mocking the club the patch is associated with.  You also cannot wear something similar to the two-piece patch.

2.5 Three-Piece Motorcycle Patch

Members of outlaw motorcycle clubs usually wear a three-piece motorcycle patch called colors. It comprises a top rocker, the logo of a motorcycle club, and a bottom rocker.

These pieces display the following information about the gang:

  • Name is displayed at the top rocker of the motorcycle patch.
  • Logo displayed on the center patch.
  • Location is displayed at the bottom rocker.

A member is not allowed to wear the three-piece motorcycle patch right after joining the group. The other members will test your loyalties and dedication before you become a fully-patched member.

It is well-established that you cannot wear the mc patches without membership. But there is another perspective to these rules and restrictions.

  • The Logo

As a civilian, if you wear a patch that resembles the image, character, or graphics of a club, then you have broken a rule. It is better to remove it before you get caught.

  • The Text

If the font or style of the text of your patch is inspired by a motorcycle club patch, you are still violating motorcycle patch rules.

  • The Locations

Motorcycle clubs fight for territories and control quite similar to mafia gangs shown in Hollywood movies. It is an important rule to not wear patches that display a specific location. The motorcycle club members may see you as a threat and cause you harm.

  • The Initials

You may want to wear the initials of a motorcycle club to show your admiration for their patch. For example, you may want to wear the letters ”H” & “A” to show your fondness for the Hells Angels. 

But it is against the rules to wear motorcycle patches with initials related to a specific club. Furthermore, wearing the letters “MC” is forbidden as it signifies a relation to a motorcycle club.

2.6 Touching the Motorcycle Patch of a Full-Patched Rider

Just like how you are not allowed to touch the uniform of a police officer, keep your hands off a biker’s patch.  Often riders encounter members of a different motorcycle club (outlaw or legal) and touch their biker patches. While your intent was to show your admiration, the act is considered disrespectful and can lead to hostility.

2.7 Buying a Motorcycle Club Patch

Whether the motorcycle club is registered with the American Motorcycle Association, buying a motorcycle club patch is illegal. You can get in trouble if you are spotted by a club member or the police.

3. Rules for Wearing Legal MC Patches

Fortunately, not all biker gangs in America are made up of criminals. There are legal biker clubs registered with the American Motorcycle Association. They dominate the motorcycle roads with their sharp biking skills and daring hearts. These bikers ride only for thrills, fun, and freedom.

However, they do have one thing in common with the outlaw gangs: their distinct motorcycle patches. Wearing these patches without consent or membership can lead to trouble. Moreover, if you try to trick these clubs by copying their patch design, then this can be considered disrespectful. 

The legal motorcycle clubs also have colors or three-piece motorcycle patches that need to be earned.

4. Veteran Motorcycle Patches

Just like motorcycle gang patches, veteran or army patches need to be earned. Most veterans wear these patches to highlight their achievements during  war, their sacrifices for the country, and their service to the army. 

Wearing veteran motorcycle patches displaying army ranks or medals can be seen as disrespectful to the hard work of army men and women. If you want to show your patriotism, then wear the flag motorcycle patch or a patch with text that shows your love for the country or respect for army personnel. But refrain from wearing the veteran-specific motorcycle badges and patches.

5. Rules for Rider Club Motorcycle Patches

A riding club is a relaxed group of bikers who enjoy riding and socializing with fellow riders. If you are invited to a motorcycle rally, tour, race, or a fund-raising event, they can be chances to branch out and get your hands on some stylish and wearable patches. At these events, you can buy biker patches from a large selection without worrying about breaking the rules.

Wearing biker patches of a specific rider club that shares your interests will give you a sense of belonging, camaraderie, and riding freedom.

When joining a rider’s club, rest assured that you won't have to compromise on your morals as these clubs have a code of conduct for their members and stress mutual respect, non-violence, and a polite demeanor.

6. Biker Patches for Jackets & Vests

Not all motorcycle patches can be worn on jackets. Some biker patches are restricted to vests or cuts as most bikers like to call it. So do thorough research before you stitch or embroider a biker patch onto your jacket

7. Wearing Red, Gold, or Black Patches

Just like some images, slogans and designs are off-limits, certain colors are also forbidden. Most motorcycle clubs have a hint of black, gold, and red colors. If you are customizing a biker patch, try not to use these colors to avoid offending a club. 

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8. Rules for Wearing Biker Rockers

Biker rockers are also considered biker patches but are used to show greater regard for gang member participation.

There are different types of biker rockers, including top rockers, bottom rockers, side rockers, etc. Biker rockers cannot be worn by independent riders or members of friendly riding clubs.

To wear a biker rocker, you would have to become a member of the most powerful motorcycle gang in your region. Rockers signify territorial control and social riding clubs need the consent of the “master motorcycle club” before wearing a rocker. Biker rockers are also used to display the following pieces of deep information about a member’s life:

  • Time spent behind bars
  • Drug use
  • Gang membership
  • Service for the motorcycle gang

9. Nomad MC Patch

Independent riders are free to wear nomad mc patches as they are not associated with any motorcycle clubs. Just make sure you follow the text and color rules. Other than that, the “nomad label” is all yours to play with.

10. Lone Wolf MC Patch

Just like a nomad mc patch, the lone wolf patch signifies that the wearer is a free spirit and follows his/her own riding schedules and routes. The lone wolf mc patch is neither disrespectful nor provocative in any way. You can wear it safely on a leather jacket or vest without worrying about offending a motorcycle club.

11. Lost MC Patch

Some riders misinterpret the lost mc patch and consider it something similar to the lone wolf or nomad mc patch. The Lost is an outlaw motorcycle club whose  members wear large biker back patches on their jackets that display the logo and name of the club. For the lost mc patch, follow all the rules applicable to the outlaw mc patches.

12. Frequently Asked Questions About Rules of Wearing Biker Patches

12.1 Can All Bikers Use 3 Patches?

The three patches or three-piece patches indicate full membership in a club. All bikers are not allowed to use the three patches according to the rules of different motorcycle clubs.

12.2 What Does an Enforcer Do in a Motorcycle Club?

Since there are so many rules in a motorcycle club, someone needs to ensure that these rules are being followed. This is the job of the enforcer. He/she ensures that the rules are being followed, resolves conflicts, protects club members, especially full-patched members, and helps to run the gang smoothly.

12.3 Is it Legal to Buy a Police Patch and Wear it on a Biker Jacket?

Wearing a police patch on a biker jacket is illegal and a big breach in protocol. Only a police officer is allowed to wear a police patch.

12.4 What is a Full-Patch Member'?

A full-patch member wears a three-piece patch after getting the approval of other full-patched members of the club. This patch is awarded to acknowledge a member’s loyalty and service to the motorcycle gang.

13. Takeaway

Biker patches are stylish accessories with simple yet perplexing rules. In this guide, you learned all the rules of wearing biker patches to ease your confusion.

Biker patch rules are nothing new; the same set of rules that have been around for decades. Unless the motorcycle world undergoes a revolution, these rules are not going anywhere. It is better to follow these rules without questioning them.

Though it may seem that all biker patches are forbidden and there is little room for creativity, that’s not the case. Through research and earning permission, you will be able to freely express yourself through custom biker patches.

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