motorcycle safety tips

Have Motorcycles Become Safer Over the Decades?

Have Motorcycles Become Safer Over the Decades?

Motorcycles have been an effective mode of transportation and recreation. They are a symbol of freedom and adventure for people of all ages. Over 8 million motorcycles are registered in the US alone. While the motorcycle trend is increasing daily, safety concerns also persist.

Over the decades, the risk of accidents has also promoted the strict implementation and amendment of safety laws.

There were few safety regulations in the early 1900s. Riders were not very concerned about wearing helmets, and motorcycle safety features were not as advanced as they are today.

The first federal motorcycle safety law was introduced in the US in 1967. According to this law, riders were required to wear helmets. Helmets were implemented in all states in the early 1970s, reducing the fatality rate significantly.

In the past, motorcycles were not as much safer as now. With improved technology, motorcycles are safer than before. The purpose of this article is to determine whether motorcycles have become safer over time. What were the insecurities in the past? What makes motorcycles unsafe, and how are motorcycles safer now? 

1. What Makes Motorcycles Unsafe on the Road?

Riding a Motorcycle is an effective mode of transportation. It is a vehicle that people of almost all ages ride. Still, some factors can make riding unsafe for the rider.

1.1 Requires More Attention, Engagement, and Balance

Motorcycles require full engagement and attention for stability. Riders are more likely to lose balance, especially when riding at a fast speed. If a rider is not actively stable, he may lose control and face severe consequences.

1.2 Motorcycles are Smaller and Less Visible

Motorbikes are usually smaller than other vehicles on the road. The driver of a car or truck may overlook the bikes because there are many blind spots for a rider on the road compared to other motorbikes. For a rider, it is better to know the blind spots and make sure to enhance his visibility on the road.

1.3 Most Bikes Are Heavy and Difficult to Maneuver

Sports bikes and cruisers are normally heavier than standard motorcycles, which makes them unsafe for a beginner or a nonprofessional person. Heavyweight motorcycles are easy to ride in a straight position, but they are very difficult to handle when the rider has to slow down the bike for cornering and maneuvering. The bulkiness of the motorcycle also makes it hard to handle it.

1.4 The Risk of High Power and Torque

Today, motorcycles are more complex than they were in the past. They are faster and more powerful. Super support and sport bikes are the fastest and not easy to handle. 250/300cc motorbikes with 30 horsepower are good on the road. However, 1000—to 2000 cc motorbikes with high horsepower are not that easy to handle when they lose control.

1.5 Riders’ Risky Behavior and Careless Attitude

Personal behavior and attitude are also the factors that make the rider unsafe. 

Riding While Drunk

Most of the accidents occur due to mental instability. Riding a motorcycle requires full attention and energy. If an alcoholic person drives a motorcycle, he may not be conscious enough to handle his bike in critical situations and become the victim. So, an alcoholic person must avoid riding.

Getting Distracted on the Road

Distraction is another reason that makes motorcycles unsafe. Mostly, youngsters lose attention to the road and become victims of road accidents. The riders are usually not careful while riding; unknowingly, they distract and cause the accident.

Not Following the Rules and Regulations

If you are aware of the rules and regulations of riding motorcycles, it is good for you. You need to be more mindful of the road regulations you are riding on; it may keep you safe. For example, if you pass the lane on a road where lane splitting is illegal or has some limitations, you will have to face the charges against you, and your chances of an accident will also increase. 

2. What Has Made Motorcycles Safer Over the Decades?

A number of motorcycles have been introduced into the market over the past decade, but the technology has also persisted. A bike with a heavy engine and horsepower is challenging, but the latest technology and sensor system make it safe and secure to ride. Many safety aspects make the motorcycle a safe ride over time. 

2.1 The Role of Technology

Introduction of ABS in Motorbikes

Normally, motorcycles slip and lose control when applying brakes. The anti-lock braking system (ABS) prevents wheels from locking up when brakes are applied, especially on slippery roads. The ABS is advanced in its features. It also helps you stabilize your bike while cornering and leaning. 

Cornering ABS system

The rider needs to apply brakes while cornering the road. There is a chance he may disbalance when he applies brakes. The cornering ABS braking system helps to maintain stability and safe cornering. 

Leaning ABS control

The anti-locking system also works in a leaning position. The rider can control his bike while leaning, and the braking force is adjusted based on how much the bike leans on the turn. 

Wheeli Control with IMU

It is an inertial measurement unit that controls a bike's engine and enhances safety by measuring the motorcycle's acceleration, orientation, and angular velocity. 

Tire Air Pressure Monitoring

It is tough for the rider to handle a motorcycle with low tire pressure. The electric monitor in bikes lets you know the air pressure of the motorcycle. 

Automatic Transmission and Clutchless Rides

Automatic bikes are the best option for beginners. The automatic clutch control and gear shift system give complete control over the bikes and reduce the chances of imbalance. 

Daytime Running Lights (DRLs)

This feature was common in cars, but it is now also becoming common on motorcycles. Daytime running lights are low-intensity headlights that automatically turn on when the rider turns on the bike, or the motorcycle is in motion. 

Traction Control System for Better Road Grip

Traction control systems (TCS) are one of the latest technologies in motorcycles. They help prevent skipping and drifting. The sensors monitor the wheel's speed and adjust the engine power and brakes to control traction. 

2.2 The availability of different riding modes in modern Bikes

The latest motorcycle technology introduces different modes of riding. It is a very attractive and safe feature for riders, and they can customize their bikes according to the modes of their journey.

Rain mode

You can set your bike to rain mode, which provides a riding control system. It reduces the engine power, limits the bike’s range, and controls the throttle response. 

Touring mode

Touring mode is designed to set the motorcycles for long distances. It controls the engine power and provides well-balanced passing power for low-speed handling for long tours. 

Sports Mode

Sports mode gives a quick throttle response to the rider. The ride gets the full power of the engine. It improves acceleration and performance with aggressive power delivery to the motorcycle.

Custom mode

The custom mode in a motorcycle is more attractive to the rider because he can adjust the capability of the engine and overall bike power to enjoy the ride according to his journey. 

2.3 Effective Implementation of Traffic Laws

Helmet Laws

Helmets have always been the first and foremost priority for safe riding. In most cases, the fatality rate increases for the victim who does wear a helmet while riding motorcycles. Today, in all states, helmets are the first priority in safety gear. 

Issuance of riding license after training

The issuance of a riding license is a surety that you are capable of riding a motorcycle. If the rider has proper training in riding motorcycles, he feels confident and secure while riding on the road. Over the past decade, the issuance of riding licenses after training has made motorcycling safe to a certain extent. 

Motorcycle riding age limit

Riding a motorcycle is one thing, but handling the bike while riding also matters. If a boy of 15 to 16 years old rides a bike on the road, it will be difficult for him to handle the motorcycle. So, riders should consider the age limit set by the country's government. 

Awareness of passing lanes

The riders are now more aware of the ethics of the road. They know which lane is safe for them and, if they have to change the lane, what the actual way is. Today, the rider knows about lane splitting and lane filtering. They do not even know whether it is legal because not all cities allow lane splitting.

2.4 Riding conditions

Improvement in Roads

The condition of the road has also improved over time. Now, there are no more potholes on the road. The riders get a smooth and paved road to ride their motorbikes. So, the improved road condition allows them to ride safely and enhance their lifetime.

3. How can Motorcycling be Made Safer?

3.1 Enrolling in Safety Riding Training

In 1974, the MSF published the initial beginning riding course and distributed it to the state department of education across the country. Motorcycle riding training and practice make the rider feel safe on the road. He feels confident and controlled. Without training and practice, any person's age is unsafe because riding is not just a matter of interest.

3.2 Wearing Protective Riding Gear

Protective riding gears are part and parcel of the ride. Riders can save themselves from severe injuries in case of an accident. The essential gears a rider needs to follow:

  • A DOT-approved helmet
  • Long pant
  • A jacket or long sleeves
  • Boots or over-the-ankle shoes
  • Full finger Riding Gloves

3.3 Riding Sensibly and Defensively

Motorcycles are much safer when the rider is proactive in his strategies and techniques. Being aware of his limitations and the environment around him keeps the rider active and sensible.

Critical components of riding a motorcycle sensibly and defensively:

  • Scanning the horizon: continuously scanning the road ahead to avoid any hazards.
  • Proper positioning: Proper bike positioning gives the rider full control. He can safely change lanes when necessary.
  • Communication with other riders: A sensible rider communicates with the other rider. Communication with other bikes is mostly necessary in long tours.
  • Anticipating the unexpected: a defensive rider is always ready for unforeseen situations. A rider should be ready for any change in lane or traffic

4. Takeaway

There has been a lot of improvement in motorcycle riding over the last decade. Though the bikes are more powerful and heavy than before, the latest technology of the braking system is also improved. That is why the motorcycle is safer to ride instead of heavy and bulky.

The robust anti-lock braking system with multiple features gives the rider full control of the motorbike. Automatic motorcycles are the best choice for riders. The automatic clutch and gear enhance the motorcycle's safety. The sensors automatically monitor the bike's speed and control the engine's power accordingly.

The most critical role of law implementation is the central element in safety. Helmets are the first and foremost priority of road regulation, and they are now mandatory for riders in all states in America. Today, people are more aware of the rules and regulations of the road.

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