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motorcycle 101 guidesTips for Long Distance Motorcycle Riding

Tips for Long Distance Motorcycle Riding

Long Distance Motorcycle Riding is not as simple as regular motorcycling, especially if it is your first time. Read on to learn long distance motorcycle riding tips.

motorcycle 101 guidesHow to Jump-Start a Motorcycle

How to Jump-Start a Motorcycle

This article discusses step-by-step procedures for how to jump-start a motorcycle. You can also push-start a motorcycle if there is no help or vehicle available nearby.

motorcycle 101 guidesA Must-Know Motorcycle Hand Signals Guide for Beginner Riders

A Must-Know Motorcycle Hand Signals Guide for Beginner Riders

Making up your mind to join a motorcycle group? Learn these motorcycle hand signals to look cool and also to effectively coordinate with other riders.

Motorcycle Tips & TricksFinding your bike laid down..

Finding your bike laid down..

How many of you would be infuriated seeing someone sitting on your bike after coming out of a meal or after a hard day of work? I know many of my buddies wouldn;t be able to keep their composure;

motorcycle ridesDealing With The Heat

Dealing With The Heat

Riding and living in Southern California can really be difficult sometimes, specially when the heat gets to 100 degrees or hotter. Many different problems present themselves when you’re enduring t...

motorcycle 101 guidesHow to Deal with Your Bike’s Dead Battery

How to Deal with Your Bike’s Dead Battery

How to Deal with Your Bike’s Dead Battery Does the word dead battery make your skin crawl? A dead battery can happen to anyone and it can happen for several reasons. The most common reason for a de...

Motorcycle 101 GuidesTips on Buying Your First Bike – What To Look For

Tips on Buying Your First Bike – What To Look For

Tips on Buying Your First Bike; What To Look For Are you in the market for a motorcycle? You’ll want to have a look at these tips before you buy so you know what to look for.

Motorcycle Rides20 Tips For Long Distance Riding

20 Tips For Long Distance Riding

20 Tips For Long Distance Riding You’ve decided to head out on the road and take a long distance ride on your motorcycle – good for you!

Motorcycle 101 Guides10 Tips on How to Get the Best Gas Mileage Out Of Your Motorcycle

10 Tips on How to Get the Best Gas Mileage Out Of Your Motorcycle

On average, a motorcycle will get between 35 and 40 miles per gallon. There are a few bikes that get an impressive 60 miles per gallon or more, depending on the fuel type and engine.