biker patches

Top 35 Motorcycle Clubs in America & Their Badass Biker Patches

Top 35 Motorcycle Clubs in America & Their Badass Biker Patches
Table of Content
1. American Motorcycle Association AMA 2. Avengers Motorcycle Club 3. Bandidos Motorcycle Club 4. Breed Motorcycle Club 5. Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club 6. Cossacks Motorcycle Club 7. Christians Motorcycle Association 8. Devils Diciples Motorcycle Club 9. Diablos Motorcycle Club 10. Galloping Goose Motorcycle Club 11. Grim Reapers Motorcycle Club 12. Gypsy Jokers Motorcycle Club 13. Harley Owners Motorcycle Club 14. Hells Angels Motorcycle Club 15. Highwaymen Motorcycle Club 16. Infidels Motorcycle Club 17. Iron Horsemen Motorcycle Club 18. Iron Legacy Motorcycle Club 19. Iron Order Motorcycle Club 20. Kinfolk Motorcycle Club 21. Mongrels Motorcycle Club 22. Mongols Motorcycle Club 23. Outcast Motorcycle Club 24. Outlaws Motorcycle Club 25. Pagans Motorcycle Club 26. Peckerwoods Motorcycle Club 27. Phantom Outlaw Motorcycle Club 28. Rebels Motorcycle Club 29. Sons of Anarchy 30. Sons of Satan Motorcycle Club 31. Sons of Silence Motorcycle Club 32. Sin City Disciples Motorcycle Club 33. Thunderguards Motorcycle Club 34. Vagos Motorcycle Club 35. Warlocks Motorcycle Club 36. Frequently Asked Questions About Motorcycle Clubs 36.1 Who Are the Big Four Motorcycle Clubs? 36.2 Why Do Motorcycle Club Members Call Their Women “Old Lady”? 36.3 Where Do Motorcycle Clubs Get Their Motorcycle Patches From? 36.4 Is It Possible to Join a Motorcycle Club Without a Bike? 36.5 Are There Any Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs In Hawaii? 36.6 Why Do Motorcycle Clubs Call Their Meetings “Church”? 36.7 Can a Biker Quit an Outlaw Motorcycle Club? 36.8 What Is Meant by “Original' in 1% Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs? 36.9 What IS Meant by MCC in a Motorcycle Club?

Motorcycle clubs have inspired the youths of America to live their Hollywood dream. Usually in this dream, the rider is racing on top of a custom motorcycle clad in leather and motorcycle patches while wearing aviators and a lit cigarette dangling from the lips. Some motorcycle enthusiasts decorate their laptops, phone cases, backpacks, motorcycle saddlebags, and fuel tanks with biker patch stickers.

While on the one hand this looks and sounds cool, it is important to know that most of these motorcycle clubs are 1% outlaw MCs, dangerous, and have a negative influence on youngsters. Involved in various criminal activities, these 1% motorcycle clubs have been the bane of society since the 1950s.

These motorcycle clubs attract motorcyclists with their power, lifestyles, and badass motorcycle club patches. The members then engage in unlawful behavior for the betterment of their own clubs.

Quite recently, a few incidents were reported where members of these outlaw motorcycle clubs were found guilty of racketeering, violence, murder, and drug smuggling. But even though law enforcers actively try to stop them, these motorcycle clubs are strong and difficult to get rid of.

So does that mean you cannot go for adventurous rides with a group of motorcyclists sporting leather jackets or vests with custom biker patches?

The good news according to the American Motorcycle Association is that 99% of motorcycle clubs are law-abiding and safe.

Just steer clear of the 1% outlaw motorcycle clubs and their motorcycle club patches, and you will avoid getting in trouble with their members and police officers.

1. American Motorcycle Association AMA

American Motorcycle Association AMA
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The American Motorcycle Association is the largest motorcycle club in the world. More than a million motorcyclists have joined this club because of its fun-filled legal activities and strong advocacy for rider rights.

The American Motorcycle Association provides ample opportunities for its members to hone their riding skills through motorcycle rallies, races, and competitions. The AMA protects its law-abiding motorcycle clubs by announcing that only 1%er clubs are illegal.

  • American Motorcycle Association Biker Patch

The AMA biker patch looks like a badge with its triangular shape. The patch has bright gold, green, yellow, and red colors to display the yin-yang symbol while the black background is used to highlight the name and abbreviation of the club.

2. Avengers Motorcycle Club

Avengers Motorcycle Club
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The Avengers Motorcycle Club was founded in the late 1960s. The club operates in Michigan and midwestern territories in the United States. In the 1990s, the biker club grew in influence after a war with the Iron Coffins and Forbidden Wheels Clubs.

Members of the Avengers Motorcycle Club are infamous for extortion, arson, violence, and illegal use of weapons. Threatened by their power, the Pagans attacked the leader of the Avengers so that the motorcycle club wouldn't invade their territory.

  • Avengers MC Biker Patch 

The motorcycle patch of the Avengers displays the name and location of the motorcycle club. Moreover, a Greek cross with four pitchforks in gold color is stitched on a piece of black fabric.

3. Bandidos Motorcycle Club

Bandidos Motorcycle Club
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With over 5,000 members and a large territory in Texas, the Bandidos is one of the most feared motorcycle clubs in America. The club smuggles drugs via Mexican borders and is under the radar of the FBI due to its illicit activities. The club made it to the Big Four MCs list after its members were accused of murders and were discovered to be involved in the Waco gun fight.

  • Bandidos MC Biker Patch

The Bandidos patch displays a fat man wearing a large cowboy hat with a gun in one hand and a sword in the other. The Bandidos biker patch also features the name and location of the club.

4. Breed Motorcycle Club

Breed Motorcycle Club
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The Breed club has been active in New Jersey since 1965. The Breed is based on 60 members and is probably the only famous motorcycle club that has all fully-patched members. Only white males are allowed to become members.

In the 1980s, the breed was the most dangerous outlaw club that dominated the northeastern territories. Over the years, the club members were arrested for violent behavior, rape, extortion, operating protection rackets, and selling meth. Due to frequent arrests, the club grew small and lost its influence. However, the members have moved their headquarters to Pennsylvania and are still involved in their illegal activities but in a discreet manner.

  • Breed MC Biker Patch

The breed motorcycle patch displays a Betsy Ross flag and a banner with the name of the club on it.

The Betsy Ross flag is the earlier version of the official USA flag. From the patch, it may seem that the breed members are patriots and wouldn’t even think of breaking the law, but they are an unruly group.

5. Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club

Established in 1993, the Buffalo Soldiers is an all-black club that has high regard for the sacrifices of the African-American regiments of the US army called the Buffalo Soldiers. The Buffalo Soldiers is a group of noble motorcyclists who deeply revere the role of Black Americans against slavery during the 1861 civil war.

Unlike the outlaw clubs who are materialistic and nefarious, the Buffalo soldiers are kind souls involved in charitable events and social work. This proud group boasts 140 chapters all over the US and a dedicated team of 5000 members.

The Buffalo Soldiers is one of the largest black motorcycle clubs in the United States, but it does not control any territory.

  • Buffalo Soldiers MC Biker Patch

The buffalo soldier's patch displays the name of the club and a brave soldier with a thick mustache and a sword.

6. Cossacks Motorcycle Club

Cossacks Motorcycle Club
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The Cossacks is another Texas-based outlaw motorcycle club founded in 1969. For now, the club only operates in Texas and has no chapters in other states or countries. The members of Cossacks ride only Harley Davidson motorcycles and are involved in small-scale crimes.

Surprisingly, the cossacks don’t have a record of heinous crimes such as kidnap, drug distribution, and sexual assault. They received their outlaw reputation after participating in the Waco battle. Ever since the club is trying to gain absolute control in Texas.

  • Cossacks MC Biker Patch

The Cossack biker patch displays a muscular cossack rider holding a sword in his hand. The rider also features a snake tongue and a feather nose.

7. Christians Motorcycle Association

Christians Motorcycle Association
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The Christians Motorcycle Association is an evangelical club founded in 1975. The organization boasts 125,000 members, 1200 US-based chapters, and multiple international chapters as well. The aim of CVMA is to spread the message of Christianity among the biker community.

The CMA also arranges different state and national rallies to promote brotherhood, fun, friendship, and worship.

  • Christians Motorcycle Association Biker Patch

The CMA has equated motorcycling to worship. Their patch displays a triangle enclosing a hand holding a bible with a cross on it. Furthermore, there are two banners on the patch. The name of the organization is written on the triangle. The top banner features the words ``Riding For” while the bottom banner features “The Son.”

8. Devils Diciples Motorcycle Club

Devils Diciples Motorcycle Club
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The Devils Diciples club came into existence in 1967. The club changed the spelling of disciples to “diciples” to not offend any religious group. Initially, the club operated in California, but over the years, it has spread all over the country. After great success in illegal activities such as racketeering, club assault, drug trafficking, and theft, the club has shifted its headquarters to Michigan. Today, the devils diciples club boasts over 1400 loyal members.

In 2006, the club had to temporarily discontinue its illicit business. This is because its members including the former national President known as “the Fat Dog” were found guilty of meth distribution and extortion. Judge Robert H. handed a life sentence to “Fat Dog.”

But even after that punishment, the Devils Diciples club is growing powerful in the United States.

  • Devils Diciples MC Biker Patch

The devils diciples patch displays a 12-spoke wheel and two red pitch forks on a blue background. The patch also features the name of the club.

9. Diablos Motorcycle Club

Diablos Motorcycle Club
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Founded in 1961, the American Diablos Motorcycle Club is an outlaw club with connections and active groups in different cities. The diablos are heavily involved in drug trafficking and killings. Their fight with the Outlaws motorcycle club in 2019, further cemented their 1%er reputation. Moreover, Diablos is a group of racists who only extend membership to white males.

  • Diablos MC Biker Patch

The diablos members wear a red triangular patch that displays the devil wearing a hat. The red and black color scheme of the diablos biker patch emphasizes the evil that prevails in the group.

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10. Galloping Goose Motorcycle Club

Galloping Goose Motorcycle Club
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In 1942, a group of friends passionate about racing started a motorcycle club in California. Eventually, the members of the club grew, leading to the formation of chapters in Florida, Chicago, Kansas, Indiana, Mississippi, and Montana. Not as powerful as Hells Angels or Pagans, the members of galloping goose have had a fair share of criminal activities, drug trafficking, and violence.

  • Galloping Goose MC Biker Patch

The galloping goose biker patch displays an outhouse and a peculiar caricature. Its legs are in a running position that are supporting a closed fist with a raised finger. The purple and gold color scheme of the galloping goose patch sets it apart from other mc patches.

11. Grim Reapers Motorcycle Club

 Grim Reapers Motorcycle Club
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Founded in 1965, the Grim Reapers is a group of Harley Davidson riders that operate in Kentucky. The club does not follow the rules of the American Motorcycle Association (AMA) and boasts an outlaw reputation.

The members of the grim reapers have been indicted for involvement in racketeering, drug smuggling, and motorcycle theft.

  • Grim Reapers MC Biker Patch

The three-piece patch of this club has a top rocker that has the club's name on it. The center patch displays the symbol of death “Grim Reaper” in a red cloak holding a scythe. The bottom rocker displays the member’s location.

12. Gypsy Jokers Motorcycle Club

Gypsy Jokers Motorcycle Club

The Gypsy Jokers originally hail from San Francisco but they lost control of their territory to the much-powerful Hells Angels.

It is a large group and has chapters all over the United States and five other countries. They control their empire from Oregon headquarters and capitalize on meth and weapons. The gypsy jokers are also infamous for stealing and robbery. That’s not all. The members were also found guilty of murder, life-threatening attacks, and violence.

According to a report by the Department of Justice USA, In April 2022, two members of the gypsy joker club were penalized with life imprisonment for kidnapping and torturing an old club member to death.

  • Gypsy Jokers MC Biker Patch

The Gypsy Jokers patch displays a wicked joker dressed in red, gold, and blue colored clothes. The evil grin of the joker makes the patch look badass and sometimes scary. The motorcycle patch also features the name of the club in a funky text.

13. Harley Owners Motorcycle Club

Harley Owners Motorcycle Club
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In 1983, the motorcycle company, Harley Davidson, formed a riding club for all Harley Davidson owners. At the time the company was losing business and they used the “club strategy” to increase their sales. Today it has become the most popular riding club around the world. The best part is that the membership is not extended to morally depraved riders. Therefore, a rider can expect to form some of the most reliable friendships of his lifetime.

Members are required to own a Harley motorcycle, while clubs are required to get patronage from a Harley-Davidson dealer in their location.

  • Harley Owners Biker Patch

The Harley Owners Group patch displays the letters “HOG” under an American eagle with spread-out wings. Below the image, there is a banner featuring the name of the club.

14. Hells Angels Motorcycle Club

Hells Angels Motorcycle Club
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The Hells Angels is the most notorious motorcycle club in America. It is scattered all over the United States and has the strongest control in California. The club also instituted legal proceedings against the “Wild Hogs” movie due to copyright infringement.

The Hells Angels club consists of at least 2500 members deeply involved in extortion and drug smuggling. The Hells Angels members are merciless because they have many rivals including Mongol, Outlaws, and other 1% clubs. The club also considers law enforcement as an enemy and can be brutal in their confrontations with police officers. No dares cross them as there would be hell to pay.

  • Hells Angels MC Biker Patch

The Hells Angels biker patch displays the winged skull and the name of the club. The club patch stands out with its bright red and yellow hues.

  • The Filthy Few MC Patch

Hells Angels club is all about brotherhood, dedication, and loyalty. They reward their selfless members with a filthy few patches to acknowledge their service to the club.

15. Highwaymen Motorcycle Club

Highwaymen Motorcycle Club
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This group of dangerous motorcyclists came into being in 1954. The highwaymen have been involved in various criminal activities including bomb attacks and raids. The club has the most control in Detroit, Michigan. The chapters of this club are operating in many states including Florida, Ohio, Alabama, Kentucky, and Indiana.

  • Highwaymen MC Biker Patch

The highwaymen mc has a black and silver patch displaying an evil-looking winged skull wearing a leather jacket and a motorcycle cap.

16. Infidels Motorcycle Club

Infidels Motorcycle Club
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Infidels is a motorcycle club of patriotic veterans who claim to fight against terrorism and enemies of America. The club was formed by a professional military contractor in 2006. The club has chapters across the United States and in Germany.

  • Infidels MC Biker Patch

The infidels biker patch displays one large red cross on a piece of black fabric. The patch also features the name of the club and the Latin phrase “Frater In Arma” which means “Brothers in Arms.”

17. Iron Horsemen Motorcycle Club

Iron Horsemen Motorcycle Club
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Originated in the mid-1960s, the Iron Horsemen is another dangerous American outlaw club. Originally the club was active only in Ohio, but over the years, it developed chapters across the United States including New York, Tennessee, Indiana, California, Maine, Washington, and Pennsylvania.

The Iron Horsemen motorcycle club made it to the list of most dangerous motorcycle clubs in 1997 when three members tortured an off-duty officer to death.

Two more members were sent to jail for selling meth and speed drugs in Kentucky. The National President of this motorcycle club was arrested and penalized for drug trafficking. The club is deeply involved with drug and weapon smuggling rings in the United States. Some members were also arrested for illicit use of weapons.

  • Iron Horsemen MC Biker Patch 

The iron horsemen patch displays a horse’s head with a bright red eye and yellow wings on each side. The patch usually has a black background and the name of the club on it.

18. Iron Legacy Motorcycle Club

Iron Legacy Motorcycle Club
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The Iron Legacy is an independent and law-abiding motorcycle club. The club has taken the oath of upholding valuable principles such as brotherhood, integrity, honesty, and trust. A motorcycle club is a group of big-hearted motorcyclists who are ready to be of help. The Iron Legacy is involved in community service and charity work.

  • Iron Legacy MC Biker Patch

The iron legacy patch displays a blazing diamond with the number 8. Some members also like to wear the patch with the name of the club or their respective territories.

19. Iron Order Motorcycle Club

Iron Order Motorcycle Club
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One of America’s most popular motorcycle clubs, the Iron Order, started out in Indiana in 2004. The club is not directly involved in any criminal activity and cannot be called a 1% outlaw club. They claim themselves to be a law-abiding group that loves to ride. The club consists of military men, police officers, and other members of law enforcement. Over the years the club has managed to develop chapters in different American states.

However, the club members are quite fond of outlaw traditions and follow them, too. This has resulted in more rivals and deadly altercations as the outlaw clubs consider them competition. The law enforcers are worried that the Iron Order club is slowly inching toward a criminal reputation.

  • Iron Order MC Biker Patch

The Iron Order members wear a three-piece patch which consists of a top rocker with the club's name, a center piece featuring a giant skull or a “Jughead” and a bottom rocker that displays the member’s location.

The iron order patch also displays the popular MC cube.

20. Kinfolk Motorcycle Club

Kinfolk Motorcycle Club
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The Kinfolk is an outlaw club that originated in 2016. The group operates in Texas and is involved in violent crimes. The kinfolk is not a white-supremacist club and accepts members of different races. Initially, the kinfolks were members of the Bandidos MC but conflicts led to a split in members running for top positions. As a result, the group decided to operate independently with their own bylaws and traditions.

  • Kinfolk MC Biker Patch

The kinfolk patch displays the back of a man dressed in a long coat and a hat. E is also holding a gun behind his back. Similar to other outlaw patches, the kinfolk patch also features the name of the club and the location of its chapter.

21. Mongrels Motorcycle Club

Mongrels Motorcycle Club
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The mongrels is a fictional motorcycle club inspired by the real Mongol outlaw club. According to the plot, the club was founded in Oregon and capitalized on a marijuana farm and mechanic shop.

  • Mongrels MC Biker Patch

The mongrel mc patch displays a wild dog wrapped in a chain with blood coming out of its jaws. The colors of the club are black red and grayish-white.

22. Mongols Motorcycle Club

Mongols Motorcycle Club
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The Mongol club originated in and has the strongest control in Southern California. Although the group is well-feared and consists of about 2000 members, it is yet to set up chapters in other states. The Mongols have strong ties with notorious street clubs. These clubs helped the Mongols to drive the Hells Angels out of Southern California. After more than two decades, the Mongols are still going strong in their territory. It is said that the Mongols are a group of revengeful rebels who were rejected by the Hells Angels. That's why they are unforgiving toward Hells Angels members.

  • Mongols MC Biker Patch

The Mongols biker patch displays the caricature of Genghis Khan riding a motorcycle and the name of the club with the letters MC.

23. Outcast Motorcycle Club

Outcast Motorcycle Club
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Established in the 1990s, the outcast is a black outlaw motorcycle club that originated in Detroit, Michigan, and eventually spread in the South.

For a long time, the club remained engaged in a territorial clash with the Wheels of Soul MC. The hardcore members of the outcast club have been found guilty of murdering several members of their rival groups. Other than that, the club is heavily involved in drug trafficking.

  • Outcast MC Biker Patch

The outcast mc patch displays an iron cross and a laughing skull with a single-stranded cornrow braid.

24. Outlaws Motorcycle Club

Outlaws Motorcycle Club
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Named after the outlaw subculture, the Outlaws is the oldest American 1% motorcycle club and has been going strong since 1936. The club has approximately 1700 members and hundred plus chapters across the United States. They dominate the eastern and central regions of America and also run a drug-smuggling ring at Canadian borders.

The only motorcycle club Hells Angels has to worry about is the Outlaws MC. To show their hate for the Hells Angels, the Outlaw club has coined “ A.D.I.O.S” an acronym for “Angels Die in Outlaw States.”

Moreover, the Outlaw MC has ties with the Black Pistons motorcycle club.

  • Outlaws MC Biker Patch

The Outlaw biker patch displays a white skull with ruby red eyes on a black background and the name of the club in a stylish font.

25. Pagans Motorcycle Club

The Pagans became an organized motorcycle club in 1958 and steered clear of violence until 1965. The Paga tapped into its illegal potential under the leadership of John Marron also called “Satan.”

From the Aryan Brotherhood to the Italian Mafia, this powerful club has ties with the most dangerous criminal circles. The Pagans are not just involved in drug distribution but they actively engage in drug production leading a large-scale drug business. The Pagans’have also branched out into weapon trafficking and participate in terrorist attacks. Their resume is full of horrible achievements that make them one of the most powerful outlaw motorcycle clubs.

In 2010, 19 members were caught before they could kill the New Yorker Hell Angels members. The police not only confiscated their home grenades but also arrested the schemers before they could succeed in their plan.

  • Pagans MC Biker Patch

The pagans’ mc patch features a Norse fire-giant sitting on the sun with a red sword in hand.

26. Peckerwoods Motorcycle Club

Peckerwoods Motorcycle Club
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The Peckerwoods are also racial supremacists and membership only to white male members. Like most other outlaw clubs, the peckerwoods motorcycle club was founded in California in 1978. Ever since their establishment, they are known for violent racist attacks and drug distribution.

The former President of the club was sentenced to jail for 15 years because he was found involved in meth distribution in San Diego.

  • Peckerwoods MC Biker Patch

The peckerwoods biker patch displays a woodpecker with bright red hair and neck. The bird is wearing the biker gear - leather vest and boots - and has an aggressive demeanor. The bird is also holding a piston in its hand to show it is ready to fight.

27. Phantom Outlaw Motorcycle Club

Phantom Outlaw Motorcycle Club
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The Phantom is a black outlaw club that was originally founded in Chicago in 1969 but now has its headquarters in Michigan state. The club is strongly connected to the Vice Lords, a violent street club. This bond with another ruthless group has allowed the Phantoms to establish chapters in other states as well. The members are well-protected and are capable of fighting the larger outlaw motorcycle clubs in Michigan.

  • Phantom MC Biker Patch

The phantom biker patch features a grim reaper riding a motorcycle dressed in a red robe with a large blade in its hands. The patch also displays a tombstone, letters MC and the name of the club.

28. Rebels Motorcycle Club

Rebels Motorcycle Club
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Originally founded in Australia, the Rebels motorcycle club has powerful chapters in various other countries including the United States. With 2000 plus members, this outlaw motorcycle club is involved in serious crimes such as motorcycle theft, drug trafficking, and weapon dealings.

  • Rebels MC Biker Patch

The Rebels biker patch displays a confederate flag with an eerie skull and the letters MC beneath it.

29. Sons of Anarchy

Sons of Anarchy
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Just like the Mongrels, the Sons of Anarchy is a fictional motorcycle club featured on the FX network till 2014. The illegal motorcycle club was established in California in 1967 by war veterans. Eventually, it grew exponentially and established chapters across the United States and in other countries including Germany, Britain, Canada, Scandinavia, and Ireland. The club is an in-depth depiction of the real-life outlaw motorcycle clubs and is shown to be involved in various high-profile crimes such as weapon smuggling, drug distribution, and hijacking shipments.

  • Sons of Anarchy MC Biker Patch 

The sons of anarchy patch displays a grim reaper holding an M-16 rifle with an ax blade in one hand while in the other hand it is holding a crystal ball with the letter “A” on it.

30. Sons of Satan Motorcycle Club

Sons of Satan Motorcycle Club
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Though most outlaw motorcycle clubs are self-sufficient and do not have affiliations, some biker patches have an extended hand to do their work. The Sons of Satan are an extension or support club of Pagans with over 100 members. Although Pagans themselves are devils in disguise, the sons of Satan are heartless and more brutal. That’s why most of the “dirty work” is assigned to this support group.

  • Sons of Satan MC Biker Patch

The biker patch of sons of satan members displays the letter “P” to indicate their support for the Pagans motorcycle group.

31. Sons of Silence Motorcycle Club

Sons of Silence Motorcycle Club
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Based on more than 275 members, the Sons of Silence is an outlaw motorcycle club established in 196. Initially, they only controlled Colorado (their headquarters), Kansas, and Arizona. To expand their reach, the sons of silence joined hands with Hells Angels. Both clubs provide support, protection, and business to each other. The Sons of Silence is a ruthless club infamous for turf wars and reckless use of weapons.

  • Sons of Silence MC Biker Patch

The sons of silence patch display an American eagle in front of the letter “A,” the name of the club, and the motto of the club in Latin language: “donec mors non separat”which means death does not separate us. 

32. Sin City Disciples Motorcycle Club

Sin City Disciples Motorcycle Club
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Formed in 1966, the Sin City Disciples is the oldest black motorcycle club spread all over the United States and operates from Indiana. More members are joining this club including military veterans. The Sin City Disciples is one of those rare motorcycle clubs that do not promote racism and have mixed-race members.

The sin city disciples have made an ill name as kidnappers, assaulters, and weapon smugglers.

  • Sin City Disciples MC Biker Patch

The sin city disciples patch displays an aggressive motorcyclist riding at a high speed. The members also wear the slogan “Disciples Forever, Forever Disciples” on their biker patches.

33. Thunderguards Motorcycle Club

Thunderguards Motorcycle Club
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The Thunderguards is a 1%er outlaw motorcycle club that was formed in the 1960s in Delaware.

The thunderguards operate in mid-Atlantic states including South Carolina and Georgia. An all-black club, its members are involved in various nefarious activities such as shootings, cocaine business, and violence.

  • Thunderguards MC Biker Patch

Their biker patch displays a red thunderbolt on a blue background and the name of the club stitched in black on a white background. Most members use the Sans Serif style font for simplicity and uniqueness.

34. Vagos Motorcycle Club

Vagos Motorcycle Club
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The Vagos or Green Nation motorcycle club came together in 1965 in California. It is one of the most widespread motorcycle clubs with 200 chapters and more than 4000 active members.

The Vagos are actively involved in drug smuggling through Mexican borders. In 2011, it was reported that the Vagos members killed a Hells Angels biker. The California police accused the Vagos members of using trap devices in a court of law. Surprisingly, the Vagos members not only came out clean but also won a defamation suit against the California police.

  • Vagos MC Biker Patches

The Vagos biker patch features the Norse god of mischief, Loki, riding a motorcycle. The name of the club is also stitched in green on this club.

On a piece of black fabric, Loki is stitched in red, while the motorcycle and club name is stitched in green.

35. Warlocks Motorcycle Club

Warlocks Motorcycle Club
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Established in 1967, the Warlocks motorcycle club is a group of more than 500 ruthless 1%er motorcyclists. They are so dangerous that even outlaw motorcycle clubs don’t dare to cross them.

They control the Eastern Seaboard territory and have 11 chapters in Orlando, Florida. The other Chapter operates in Lockhart.

The warlocks are infamous for their barbaric ways of violence. They have also killed leaders of other clubs and law officers in cold blood. Similar to other outlaw motorcycle clubs, they are found involved in drug and weapon smuggling.

  • Warlocks MC Biker Patch

The warlocks mc patch displays a Phoenix in gold, orange, and red colors and the slogan “ Warlocks Forever, Forever Warlocks.” While some warlock biker patches feature complete text some members stitch the abbreviation WFFW on their patch.

36. Frequently Asked Questions About Motorcycle Clubs

36.1 Who Are the Big Four Motorcycle Clubs?

The big four outlaw motorcycle clubs or OMGs are listed as follows:

  1. Hells Angels MC
  2. Bandidos MC
  3. Pagans MC
  4. Outlaws MC

36.2 Why Do Motorcycle Club Members Call Their Women “Old Lady”?

Bikers use the term Old Lady pronounced as Ol’ lady to show their affection and life-long commitment toward a woman. Back in the day, the term was used to express love, but the women were treated as property and didn’t have much say in the affairs of the club. This mindset has changed somewhat and now women are neither treated as property nor forced to participate in or support the club.

36.3 Where Do Motorcycle Clubs Get Their Motorcycle Patches From?

Motorcycle clubs design their logos and have them custom-made by embroidery shops as per demand.

36.4 Is It Possible to Join a Motorcycle Club Without a Bike?

No. Motorcycle clubs, whether legal or outlaw, bond with each other over motorcycles. If you don’t own or ride a bike, you ain’t one of them. Some motorcycle clubs only allow their members to ride a motorcycle of a particular brand. For example, the Cossacks members only ride Harley Davidson bikes.

36.5 Are There Any Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs In Hawaii?

No. There are no 1% outlaw motorcycle clubs in Hawaii. However, you may come across small, law-abiding motorcycle clubs.

36.6 Why Do Motorcycle Clubs Call Their Meetings “Church”?

The motorcycle clubs are part of a subculture and members consider riding and clubs their “religion.” They join clubs for life and not for reckless fun. Moreover, these clubs hold meetings only on Friday nights. Since attending these meetings is mandatory and treated as a part of their “religion,” they call it “church.”

36.7 Can a Biker Quit an Outlaw Motorcycle Club?

Yes. Members of outlaw motorcycle clubs may leave for various reasons. Some bikers have it rough and have to relocate as they may have information that can be used against the club. The outlaw clubs have many rivals and they can harm a former member to seek revenge. Therefore, quitting a club is as risky as joining one but it is possible especially if you are not a fully-patched member.

36.8 What Is Meant by “Original' in 1% Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs?

The term “original” refers to the “Mother chapter” of a 1% outlaw motorcycle club or the founders of the 1% outlaw MC.

36.9 What IS Meant by MCC in a Motorcycle Club?

The correct abbreviation for the motorcycle club is MC and should not be interchanged with MCC which means Motor Cycling Club.

The MC members wear motorcycle back patches while the MCC members wear front or side patches. Moreover, the MCs outlaw 1% ers while the MCCs are only outlaw clubs but not 1%ers.

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