motorcycle 101 guides

How Motorcycle Clubs Make Money

How Motorcycle Clubs Make Money

Motorcycle clubs are not highly profitable yet they somehow manage to earn enough money to meet their expenses. Motorcycle clubs have lots of expenses to cover to remain operational. There are mortgages or rents to pay for the clubhouses, utility bills, and other operational costs. Also, there are meetings, parties, and events organized by the motorcycle club that requires finances as well.

Many people question how motorcycle clubs make money. A popular belief is that these clubs make money through unlawful activities such as drug trafficking. There are motorcycle clubs known as 1%ers that are involved in drug trafficking and other crimes. However, most motorcycle clubs strictly follow the law and earn income legally to cover their expenses.

1. How Do Motorcycle Clubs Make Money?

1.1 Motorcycle Club Registration Fees

The most common way motorcycle clubs make money is through club registration fees. When someone applies to become a member of a motorcycle club, he or she is charged a registration fee.

1.2 Monthly Motorcycle Club Fee

The treasurer is responsible for collecting the monthly club fee. The expenses are first calculated by the treasurer and then divided by the total number of club members. This means that every member of a motorcycle club must pay equally to keep the motorcycle club running.

If a motorcycle club has other sources of income or businesses, the monthly motorcycle club fee is lowered. Most motorcycle clubs make sure that riders who want to join have a stable source of income.

1.3 Through Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube are widely used by influencers to earn money. There are content creators who make informational, instructional, or fun videos to engage with the public.

Motorcycle club patch members are the most experienced riders. They share their knowledge with the public which can be helpful for newer riders. Patch members can create a fan base on social media platforms that could improve their motorcycle club’s reputation.

1.4 Events

Sometimes motorcycle clubs organize events to raise money. These events can be big or small depending on the size of a motorcycle club and how much money they are willing to spend. These events include concerts, motorcycle races, and fun days. Motorcycle clubs charge an entrance fee to earn income from the attendees. These events can include parties and shows in which motorcycle riders perform stunts and demonstrate their riding skills. Such events even attract non-motorcyclists and non-club members. Some motorcycle clubs also organize events to raise money for charities.

1.5 Rallies

Because rallies are big events to organize, not all motorcycle clubs can afford to organize them. A rally is not a single-day event; it is possible for a rally to last almost a week. Rallies typically occur once or twice per year.

Rallies are a good opportunity for motorcycle clubs to make good money because rallies include parties, food, gatherings, performing stunts, motorcycle exhibitions, and motorcycle racing. Rallies attract plenty of motorcycle enthusiasts which means motorcycle clubs can earn a lot in admission fees.

1.6 Motorcycle Shops Business

Some motorcycle club members own motorcycle shops that offer services like maintenance, repairing, building, painting, and/or modifying motorcycles. A share of the income that motorcycle club members earn while working at motorcycle shops goes to paying the motorcycle club expenses.

1.7 Motorcycle Club Bars Business

Many motorcycle club members love to spend their weekends at the bar where they can gather and party after a ride. This is where they go to interact, dance, and drink. These bars are also open to the public. The profit made from these bars contributes to paying for motorcycle club expenses. It is up to the motorcycle’s club management whether to open the bars to the public every day or only on special occasions.

1.8 Fuel Station

Motorcycle clubs also make money by running fuel stations. Since all motorcyclists need to refuel their vehicles eventually, a fuel station makes for a profitable business.

Motorcycle clubs have plenty of options when it comes to starting a business to earn money to pay for club expenses. This decision depends on the motorcycle club’s budget and how much business the members want to do.

2. Motorcycle Clubs Should Avoid Bad Publicity

Motorcycle clubs need to be careful about their public reputation, particularly when they are operating different businesses. If a member does something illegal that tarnishes the image of the motorcycle club, this could result in fewer clients, trouble with the law, and a loss in income.

3. Takeaway

Most motorcycle clubs do not make money through illegal means. Motorcycle club members make money through legitimate means, like starting up a business. However, motorcycle clubs usually cover their expenses through motorcycle club fees. They collect money from the motorcycle club members on a monthly basis to stay in business.

To stay in the spotlight in your motorcycle club, your motorcycle should look good too. This can be done with the help of the aftermarket parts available at Viking Bags. To enhance your storage capacity, different LUGGAGE options are available including the SISSY BAR BAGS and SADDLEBAGS. To further beautify your motorcycle, Viking Bags has CRASH BARS, HANDLEBARS, SISSY BARS, and FAIRINGS for your motorcycle.

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